Group Info

  • Medicine and health Health & Wellness
  • Medicine and health
    • 473 total views
    • 1 total member
    • Last updated June 11, 2023

Medicine and health


  • ziga bifa
    ziga bifa posted a topic in the group Medicine and health:
    Недорого и безопасно: покупка официальных прав на харвестер.Купить права на харвестер недорого и официально стало возможно благодаря компании on-prava. Они предлагают приобрести соответствующий документ, который будет проходить по базе Гостехнадзора, а та...
    • July 29, 2023
  • ziga bifa
    ziga bifa posted a topic in the group Medicine and health:
    Plasmolifting World GmbH: PRP Tubes for Plasmolifting.PRP therapy is a valuable treatment method for addressing injuries, wound healing acceleration, skin improvement, and combating signs of aging. Ensuring a reliable and high-quality supply of tubes for ...
    • June 11, 2023
  • ziga bifa
    ziga bifa posted a topic in the group Medicine and health:
    Expert Opinion: The Efficacy of Tubes for PRP Treatment.What is plasmolifting?Plasmolifting is a cosmetic medicine procedure that uses a patient's placental blood to increase the level of collagen and other substances in the skin. Initially, this method w...
    • June 11, 2023